1377. Eleanor Faye10 Fillebrown (Dr. Charles Dalton9, Dr. Thomas8, James Bowdoin7, Hon. Thomas6, John5, John4, Thomas3, Humpfrey2 Phillibrowne, Robert1 ffilebrowne)(12636) was born in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts April 28, 1902.(12637)
Eleanor married Robert Bruce Wetmore date unknown.(12638) Robert(12639) was the son of Valentine Cecil Bruce Wetmore. When Robert was age unknown and Eleanor Faye Fillebrown was age unknown they became the parents of Faye Wetmore date unknown___ in place unknown___________.
When Eleanor was age unknown and Robert Bruce Wetmore was age unknown they became the parents of Faye Wetmore date unknown___ in place unknown___________.
Eleanor Faye Fillebrown and Robert Bruce Wetmore had the following child:
+ 1768 i. Faye11 Wetmore was born date unknown___.
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