745. Lucinda Jackson9 Sawin (Samuel8, Martha7 Mason, Rebecca6 Fillebrown, Isaac5, Thomas4, Thomas3, Humpfrey2 Phillibrowne, Robert1 ffilebrowne)(8285) was born May 3, 1824.(8286) Lucinda died January 3, 1912 at 87 years of age.(8287) She died "from burns sustained from her fire." Her body was interred January 1912 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine.(8288) Burial was at Waters Hill Cemetery.
Lucinda married George Dana Norton date unknown.(8289) George was born circa 1820.(8290) George(8291) was the son of Zebulon Norton and Mary D. Merritt. George died circa 1865. When George was age 46 and Lucinda Jackson Sawin was age 42 they became the parents of Willie Herbert Norton July 24, 1866.(8292)
When Lucinda was age 42 and George Dana Norton was age 46 they became the parents of Willie Herbert Norton July 24, 1866.(8293)
Lucinda Jackson Sawin and George Dana Norton had the following child:
Willie Herbert10 Norton was born July 24, 1866.
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